Tag Archives: digital marketing

24th Nov 2021

It’s the Christmas 2021 advert round-up time

In contrast to last year’s pared down celebrations the Christmas advert 2021 season has kicked off with everything from alien visitations to Sainsbury’s on the nose “Christmas to Savour” ad featuring Etta James’ At Last.

Sainsbury’s worked with agency Wieden+Kennedy to create an advert which sees a large gathering of family and friends for Christmas dinner with grandpa having trouble cracking a nut, kids hiding under the table with some goodies and a dog jumping up and down begging for food.

Digital Marketing, Industry Insight
3rd Nov 2021

Veracity crowned Best Martech Innovation at Prolific North Tech Awards

Click fraud protection specialists Veracity have been crowned the winners of a top industry prize at this year’s Prolific North Tech Awards.

The firm, which has offices on Dock Street in Leeds, scooped the ‘Best Martech Innovation Award’ for its optimisation and analytics platform, which is designed to provide marketers with better quality and more accurate data from their online advertising campaigns.

Veracity News
27th Oct 2021

Driving Facebook performance in 2022

If we first off jump back to the start of 2020, Facebook rates were reasonable and, as an advertising platform, the social media giant was stable and performed well.

There was always the question of over reporting and the odd court case over inflated stats, but it was easy for advertisers to drive cost effective conversions using Facebook’s in-platform data.

Digital Marketing
6th Aug 2021

How to create effective Facebook ad funnels

Facebook Ads Funnels provide one of the most powerful – and evergreen – marketing strategies and one which is guaranteed to generate new leads and increase ROI while growing your brand awareness.
Facebook is a social media giant, it reaches 59% of the world’s social networking population and it’s the only one of the platforms to reach more than half of all social media users, which means the potential for finding new customers is almost limitless.

Digital Marketing
22nd Jul 2021

Best practice for marketing to millennials using paid search

Have you considered if your business would benefit from implementing a marketing to millennials using paid search strategy?
Millennials, also known as digital natives, have just overtaken the Baby Boomers as the world’s largest generation and they have disposable income, they’re often parents and they’re both technology and brand savvy.

Digital Marketing
12th Jul 2021

What is a good bounce rate for PPC?

What is a good bounce rate for PPC? As an online advertiser, you’ve no doubt asked yourself this question before, done a Google search and not found a particularly helpful answer.
That’s because it’s not that clear-cut; however, we will outline the ways that you can evaluate your PPC campaign bounce rate, whether you’re e-commerce or B2B.

Digital Marketing
25th Jun 2021

Google delays third party cookie ban for two years

Google announced this week (June 24th) that it is delaying the implementation of third party cookie blocking by almost two years.
The company’s decision to take a more responsible approach and work with all interested parties will be a relief for many PPC managers who now have until mid to late 2023 to prepare.

Digital Marketing

Award-winning malicious bot protection.

Cyber Award Winner 2021

AI-Enabled Data Solution of the Year – DataIQ Awards 2023 Finalist

Tech Innovation of the Year Winner – Leeds Digital Festival Awards

Cyber Security Company of the Year – UK Business Tech Awards 2023 Finalist

Best Use of AI – Tech Awards 2023 – Highly Commended

UK’s Most Innovative Cyber SME 2024 –
Runner Up