Moneypenny is the #1 outsourced provider of brilliant customer conversations to over 21,000 businesses. Handling over 20m calls and chats annually makes Moneypenny the biggest and fastest-growing company of their type.
Very impressed with the support and how easy it is to implement. As a company, we have exciting growth planned and are looking forward to working with Veracity through this.
Hannah Stringer, Moneypenny
During the trial, the only thing that Moneypenny changed was adding Veracity Trust Network ad fraud prevention and the results were noticeable very quickly with an increase in calls in both the UK and the US. The leads were of much better quality, and had a 41% reduction in cost per click.
After a few weeks, Moneypenny were already noticing better quality leads and they are predicted to be the best leads against target ever.
Ready to get started and start seeing results?
Veracity Trust Network provides ad fraud prevention and improved campaign
performance across Google and Microsoft Search and Display Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook, FAN and Instagram.
With just a single line of code, Veracity Trust Network is installed in minutes. We offer a free 14-day traffic audit and click fraud report.