All posts by: Veracity Team

About Veracity Team
22nd Jun 2022

Creativity in CX is the way forward for brands

Brands who use creativity in CX achieve higher returns according to two key business metrics – financial performance and McKinsey’s Innovation Score.

McKinsey developed a quantitative measure that could be used to examine the link between creativity and business performance – the Award Creativity Score – an index based on the prestigious Cannes Lions awards given each year for advertising and marketing excellence.

Digital Marketing
9th Jun 2022

People first marketing sees a growth in contextual advertising

A third of consumers are “creeped out” with behavioural tracking technology so digital marketers are turning back to contextual advertising.

A survey of more than 1,000 adults aged 18+ in the UK were surveyed by The Harris Poll on behalf of GumGum also found that 31% of respondents “felt violated” by the use of behavioural tracking to deliver advertising to them on the internet.

Digital Marketing
20th Apr 2021

Responsive Search Ads – The Complete Guide

Google’s responsive search ads (RSAs) were introduced in 2018, and it was one of the biggest changes to the platform since they brought out expanded search ads back in 2016.
With responsive search ads, rather than testing different expanded ads you can use Google’s algorithms to do the legwork for you.

Digital Marketing
23rd Mar 2020

What is a marketing insight and why is it important?

A marketing insight – what is it and why should it be of importance to your business and a key part of any promotional strategy?
At its most simple, a marketing insight is a valuable piece of information which comes via research or data analysis and which can be directly actioned upon to benefit your business strategy.

Digital Marketing
28th Feb 2020

What Is A Digital Marketing Strategy? Do You Need One?

No-one working in marketing should need to be told about the importance of having a digital marketing strategy – it’s the map on which all campaigns and customer journeys should be marked upon.
But a surprisingly large number of businesses don’t bother with a marketing plan at all and certainly not one which focuses on how they use social media to create an effective digital marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing
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Award-winning malicious bot protection.

Cyber Award Winner 2021

AI-Enabled Data Solution of the Year – DataIQ Awards 2023 Finalist

Tech Innovation of the Year Winner – Leeds Digital Festival Awards

Cyber Security Company of the Year – UK Business Tech Awards 2023 Finalist

Best Use of AI – Tech Awards 2023 – Highly Commended

UK’s Most Innovative Cyber SME 2024 –
Runner Up