All posts by: Louise Auty

About Louise Auty
16th Jul 2021

A day in the life of a tech intern

Meet Tom We’re very lucky to have had Tom work as our IT development intern here at Veracity. Tom’s a student from Huddersfield University, who is about to complete his last year of Computer Science with Games Programming (BSc) degree. What was your virtual internship experience during a lockdown? “During Lockdown, my workload wasn’t too […]

Industry Insight
12th Jul 2021

What is a good bounce rate for PPC?

What is a good bounce rate for PPC? As an online advertiser, you’ve no doubt asked yourself this question before, done a Google search and not found a particularly helpful answer.
That’s because it’s not that clear-cut; however, we will outline the ways that you can evaluate your PPC campaign bounce rate, whether you’re e-commerce or B2B.

Digital Marketing
25th Jun 2021

Google delays third party cookie ban for two years

Google announced this week (June 24th) that it is delaying the implementation of third party cookie blocking by almost two years.
The company’s decision to take a more responsible approach and work with all interested parties will be a relief for many PPC managers who now have until mid to late 2023 to prepare.

Digital Marketing
26th May 2021

Clubhouse – What CMO’s need to know about the app

Audio as a brand awareness platform is one which digital marketers can’t afford to overlook as both Podcasts and Clubhouse continue to gain momentum.
Podcasts have been around a while. Previously known as “audio blogging”, they have roots dating back to the 1980s but they took off from 2004 and there are now more than 115,000 English-language ones available on the internet.

Digital Marketing
21st May 2021

Creative strategies for Facebook retargeting

Facebook retargeting ads is the platform’s strongest asset, allowing advertisers to retarget anyone that has interacted on Facebook with their page or event or off Facebook, on their website or app using the Facebook tracking pixel.
In this post, we are going to take a closer look at why a Facebook retargeting strategy is a vital part of a paid social campaign and how advertisers can adapt to Apple’s IOS 14.5 update.

Digital Marketing
7th May 2021

Facebook and Apple’s fight over access to people’s data heats up

Facebook and Apple have been embroiled in a fight over access to people’s data for some time now and the stakes just got higher with the release of Apple’s latest iOS.
The iPhone operating system, iOS 14.5 came into effect last week and it means that users of Apple products will now have to actively give permission for Facebook, and other companies which sell mobile advertising, to use their data.

Digital Marketing
27th Jan 2021

Veracity selected to advise on UK’s Digital Taskforce

Veracity has been selected to advise the Government as part of a Digital Taskforce set up to look at a new code of practice.
The Digital Markets Taskforce (DMT) was put together by the Competitions and Market Authority (CMA) to advise the Government on regulating the behaviour of platforms that currently dominate digital markets, including both Google and Facebook.

Veracity News

Award-winning malicious bot protection.

Cyber Award Winner 2021

AI-Enabled Data Solution of the Year – DataIQ Awards 2023 Finalist

Tech Innovation of the Year Winner – Leeds Digital Festival Awards

Cyber Security Company of the Year – UK Business Tech Awards 2023 Finalist

Best Use of AI – Tech Awards 2023 – Highly Commended

UK’s Most Innovative Cyber SME 2024 –
Runner Up